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Motor Oil Regulations


State Environmental Conservation, Department of

Vehicle service and vehicle retail businesses must accept used motor oil and fluid from the public for free recycling. This law is enforced by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC).

Businesses subject to this law must accept from the public, at no charge:
  • motor oil;
  • transmission fluid;
  • hydraulic fluid;
  • lubricant product refined from crude or synthetic oil.
Service establishments selling more than 500 gallons of oil per year and retail businesses selling more than 1,000 gallons of new oil per year must follow this law. Businesses can recycle oil themselves, or hire a contractor to do so. Businesses must post a sign stating that they accept used oil for recycling, or information on the contractor that does so.

NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

Division of Environmental Remediation

625 Broadway

Albany NY 12233-7020
Phone (518) 402-9543
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